Character: total person worthy of God and Man



I was sharing with my cell group yesterday, about how I start to know Christ anew. No doubts I'm sharing about good things that happened to my life, I knew something was amiss because my subconscious being was yelling, "Look at the good things you can do!".

On the bus trip home, it dawned on me what was really happening in my life. It isn't about how great I am, but to be a testimony. I am a messenger. Through me people may someday realise how real and true God is. Sure I have fun being myself and alone, but with Christ there's more to it. The word is joy. Are you happy?

I'm glad because I'm no longer a church raised christian hearing words from others. I'm an experienced believer living the word.

Talking about blogs, I noticed how different my blog is from others. I don't post my daily routines, my activities or even the glamourous side of me. What appears here are my struggles and the ugly sides of me, so unglam. I don't even 'haha' here, terrible haha.

"You're too light, PES B" he said. I never knew being too light could cost one a PES A, but it really sets me thinking about what I've been doing all my life. I really haven't been growing, not in most aspects anyway.

Physically: I'm short and skinny. Guess I really have to watch my diet, or could it be my genes?
Mentally: The years spend achieving academic results are not productive. I am a bad student. All my work are half hearted and mediocre, I don't even remember cracking my brains, terrible.
Spiritually: Well, you all should know the story now, I wonder where I would be now if I didn't fall. Nevertheless, no regrets here.

I hope I'm not only your boyfriend wanabie, but your best friend too. Don't get too attached to me because we don't wana declare single with our lips, yet emotionally attached. I'll try not to too. I'm glad too, we're growing independently and I hope I can be consistent at it. Let the plans unravel.

To people out there still seeking your halves, here's what I always believe in. Finding a girlfriend isn't tough, finding a girlfriend who's also your soulmate, best friend, special friend and even sharing the chemistry is the challenge. Just a couple of these criteria ain't easy, let alone fulfilling all. Take time.

I think I'm crazy. I'm actually pondering about future, marriages, career, NS and even mini Alan running around. Well, its good to have a plan and see the end in mind.


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