Character: total person worthy of God and Man


Growing Up

Shouzhen inspired me to write about this topic.

November 2006 to this current day has been a period of major changes in my life. I’ve discovered courage to accept and react to issues in my life. Still learning to face and deal with issues and consequences of the past before I can continue moving on towards the next chapter.

Marilyn Ang’s words resounded in my mind. On her first lesson with us back in 2003, she said, “first I’ll break you guys, then I’ll build you guys”. As I reflected on her words, I see them in different light. First I have to do away with the ungodly stuff like pride, quitting and anxiety. Then the next step is to pick up important virtues such as humility, responsibility, patience and discipline. I’ve got to make a stand; some habits and traits must go and be replaced.

Many times I’m being paranoid by worrying and predicting the future that never come. I overheard an uncle saying loudly to his friend this morning. “Don’t worry so much about the year after next when there’s still a long year ahead to press on.” It reminded me of an idea I’ve made up that has never fail yet; life is always about balancing things. To worry too much about the future and neglect the past or vice versa isn’t healthy. The tough issue is to draw the line of balance.

Simply making an impact in others isn’t a responsible act. It is important to see it through until the matter is resolved and the person is growing consistently.

I try to understand my friends’ life and I enjoy having fun with them. I like to restore and to find lasting happiness and satisfaction. For I have found mine in Christ yet not having the courage to speak. Its time I take a bigger step now and ask fellow readers to ask me about Christ if they are interested. At the same time I want you to know I don’t talk about Christ because I respect your decisions.

As I live my life learning the theories that aren’t new, I know the difference is to embed these theories into practical living. Evaluation week is approaching when I will write all these in details.

Yet I know all these and the future is but a small piece in a bigger picture.


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