Character: total person worthy of God and Man


all these nonsense mindset.. must ALL CHANGE!!


on success and maturity

Met 2 corporate individuals whom in my opinion, are very successful in their own merits, bright career and functional family.

Successful corporate individuals are tough drives their plans through, whatever it takes. They take charge of situations, dominate and calls out commands.

Its time to grow up of the little boy shell, wipe the smile off the face and get serious.

1 Corinthians 13:11
New King James Version (NKJV)

11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

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something else

interviews always make me see myself in new light. Its like an annual evaluation of yourself, you bring yourself to new prospective employers and do sales marketing.

I've learnt many lessons this time. Careers are built over time, people have their niches, the importance of hard work, the importance of effectiveness, routines and their strengths, prioritisation.

Some lessons are tough, people schemes, people sacrifices, people give up or do things just to maintain the job. Well, life isnt a smooth journey for the weak hearted.

Maybe I'm too used to good life, maybe I have not really seen my fair share of the pie. Maybe I'll get a good sleep tonight?

What say you?

I'm hopeful...

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