Character: total person worthy of God and Man



this homesickness is overwhelming, maybe its getting worse because I'm physically sick as well.

I miss my wife, my family and everyone that I can easily share my thoughts and feelings to. There was no need to suppress emotions, nor words that require paraphrasing.

I miss things too, things I'm used to, my bad old habits, taking the train, the convenience of things, my lifestyle, my good old life in the comfort zone.

I miss my home, the home I share with shouzhen, that we created and spend countless hours idling in.

oh how I reminisce the times I spent at home, and how I can go to our bed for complete secure and fruitful rest.



On Ignorance
Statistical facts don’t come to people naturally. Quite the opposite. Most people understand the world by generalizing personal experiences which are very biased. In the media the “news-worthy” events exaggerate the unusual and put the focus on swift changes. Slow and steady changes in major trends don’t get much attention. Unintentionally, people end-up carrying around a sack of outdated facts that you got in school (including knowledge that often was outdated when acquired in school).



Feeling a little jaded lately, perhaps from too much work that my brain has been mindlessly drilling away. Maybe I've overestimated myself, maybe I'm taking on too many things.

Or perhaps its because of the prolonged procrastination, denial to face up to simple academic task from fear of academic failure.

Sometimes things can be so simple, but stacked up it seems taller than the walls of Jericho, and all it needs is a little faith to believe and give it a good shout.

Faith can go so much more than what the human eyes can foresee.



Weak. Only 3rd month into the making and already distracted and procrastinating?

This is no go for a man, not the standard to achieve. I can do better.



Time flies.

 With a blink almost 2 months of 2013 is gone, CNY is gone as fast as it came.

 It feels different this year. For a start, I had goals and filled with motivation for the year. So much to do, so little time. Sometimes I wish I had done what I was required to, instead of snowballing them to a huge avalanche that is rolling right behind me.

 Nevertheless, with God all things are possible. He has led me thus far and I will press on to finish the race well. I grow stronger and stronger with each day's training.


Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time. All stories begin with 'Once upon a time'. And that's just whet this story is all about: what happened, once upon a time. Once you were so small that, even standing on tiptoes, you could barely reach your mother's hand. Do you remember? Your own history might begin like this: 'Once upon a time there was a small boy' - or a small girl -'and that small boy was me.' But before that you were a baby in a cradle. You won't remember that, but you know it's true. Your father and mother were also small once, and so was your grandfather, and your grandmother, a much longer time ago, but you know that too. After all, we say: 'They are old.' But they too had grandfathers and grandmothers, and they, too, could say: 'Once upon a time'. And so it goes on, further and further back. Behind every 'Once upon a time' there is always another. Dividing up the world. But now let us quickly drop down in our plane towards the river. From close up, we can see it is a real river, with rippling waves like the sea. A strong wind is blowing and there are little crests of foam on the waves. Look carefully at the millions of shimmering white bubbles rising and then vanishing with each wave. Over and over again, new bubbles come to the surface and then vanish in time with the waves. For a brief instant they are lifted on the wave's crest and then they sink down and are seen no more. We are like that. Each one of us no more than a tiny glimmering thing, a sparkling droplet on the waves of time which flow past beneath us into an unknown, misty future. We leap up, look around us and, before we know it, we vanish again. We can hardly be seen in the great river of time. New drops keep rising to the surface. And what we call our fate is no more than our struggle in that great multitude of droplets in the rise and fall of one wave. But we must make use of that moment. It is worth the effort. Extracts from, E. H. Gombrich, A little history of the world.


all these nonsense mindset.. must ALL CHANGE!!